‘Bonnie’ joins me on a walk each morning and afternoon. I’m 78 now and they say it’s good for both of us, so even when it’s really hot or raining, we go. We have a few different routes we take so we can see what’s going on around the place. It’s one of the only ways I get to say hello to my neighbours and see who’s selling up.
Yesterday we went through the local reserve near the river – I can let Bonnie off the lead there. We’re supposed to pick up the droppings but I just cover them with leaves. The local kids aren’t supposed to ride their bikes down the paths there either but they do anyway, and yesterday was a school day! The track was really rough and all Landcare’s mulch had been pushed off to the side. The kids must of had a really good time but there’ll be trouble when the rain water rushes down the track and into the storm water drain in the street.
Today we walked to the local park where a new play set has been installed. The old ones were like the swings I used to use as a kid – you could get lots of height but heaven help you if you fell off. There was no soft landing like they have with this new swing set. I don’t think the people living next to the park like the new swings. I have seen more and more kids coming to play and, on the weekends, lots of families come for picnics. The noise probably gets pretty bad, especially from the horn attached to the cubby in the new swing set. It’s funny how helping the kids can upset other people in the community.
Today’s walk took Bonnie and I past the Community Hall. It’s really looking good after some of the locals gave the building a new coat of paint. It’s been part of this community for more than 50 years even though sometimes people want to take the land back so the site can be developed. Lots of great community events have been held in that hall, my favourite is always the art and craft show – last year I won the lucky door raffle and got a $100.00 gift voucher for the local shops. Some of the art is a bit hard to take but others stuff is really good. Sometimes people put things in and you find out they’re really talented. Not me though, I just go to look!
Story by Jean Burdette